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Use Presto to Query LakeSoul's Table


Available since version 2.4.

LakeSoul implements Presto Connector and currently supports reading tables. It can read tables without primary keys and tables with primary keys (including CDC format tables). When reading, Merge on Read will be automatically executed to obtain the latest data.

Download Jar package

You can download the Presto package from the Github Release page:

Configure Presto

Create a new lakesoul subdirectory in the plugin subdirectory under the Presto directory. Place the jar downloaded above into this subdirectory.

Create a new etc/catalog/ file (the specific etc directory location can be modified according to the presto deployment):

The setting items starting with fs.s3a are the configuration for accessing S3 and can be modified as needed.

Configure LakeSoul Meta DB Connection

Refer to the method in the Configure Metadata document and use environment variables or JVM property to setup connection to meta DB. For example, JVM properties can be configured in Presto JVM Config.

Start Presto Client

./bin/presto --catalog lakesoul --schema default